Friday, January 1, 2010


So I was informed by my good friend that all the parties last night where called "F-U'09" I figured I would hop on that boat as well ;p Since I had a party at my place last night.

Well it was suppose to start at 7 but all my friends where late, about half where 2 hours late ;p and at first I thought out of the 10 people I invited only about 5 said they could come. XD Then everyone but 2 showed up lol!

Luckily I had enough food for everyone, but chips where scarce ;x Over all I think everyone had a good time. Once everyone got there we ate food talked a bit, then played apples to apples. Sat around a chatted till it was time to run to the TV upstairs and watch the ball drop at midnight. When it dropped we all toasted the home made sparkling grape juice my mom made and then went outside to make lots of noise and light fireworks! So great!

Now I have been able to load stuff to DA finally! So now you get to see ;p

Mishyla by ~Ghost-lilly on deviantART

And some photography! :D

Sunset Greeting by ~Ghost-lilly on deviantART

^quickly became the most popular one of my photos on my account^

Moon Rise by ~Ghost-lilly on deviantART

Don't forget to click on the picture on drop me a comment or something on DA!

See ya later

Monday, December 28, 2009

Humm... masive ramblings

So you know, I thought I could post something today.

My last day working at Target was Saturday. It will be missed to some extent, but I quit because I'm going to school full time in January! So I'm really excited about that!

Lets see right now I'm working on learning some piano... (I suck) and some guitar (I suck more).

I'm Also working on 2 pictures right now of 2 of my old exalted characters (Mishyla & Teresa). It seems they are both retired now, figures ;p My friends who I play with, will know who I'm talking about. But for thouse of you who know exalted both Mishyla and Teresa where my Eclipse Caste's. If you don't know exalted Google it or something... ;p

I'm trying to relearn macramé too... just keeping busy till January.

Christmas was good. I got new shoes and a bunch of sweet cloths. And I bought my family Apples to apples.

I will try to remember to post a link to the pictures when I get them finished. But thats all I can think of to say right now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Been awhile

So I haven't posted in over a year. Whoops... my bad. Guess I need to do some updating! ;p

So I mentioned in my last post that I was going to be doing NaNoWriMo this year. Well the time has been upon me for awhile now and... it hasn't worked out once again. I did start but I wasn't able to get very far.

See I'm recently getting over having been very sick with the H1N1 virus and pneumonia, since I got sick right as NaNoWriMo was starting it really put a damper on me writing. I tried to start, but pneumonia is so exhausting I didn't get very far. So all I can say is wish me luck for next year?

However some good news is I'm finally going to be going back to school come spring semester! I just registered for my classes today!

I got a twitter account so you can check that out, but I don't allow people to follow me unless I know them ;p

Thats about it folks, I'm making another blog centering on the paranormal. So you can go check that out soon. It honestly will probably get updated more often then this knowing me.

I'm not playing World of Warcraft anymore, and I'm okay with that. Blizzard seems to have ruined the game anyways, and all the people I played with (the main reason I played in the first place) have left as well. No point in me playing anymore. ^^

Monday, November 10, 2008

Message to all writers/ people who have ever thought about writing a book.

So I thought I would just make a post speaking of Nanowrimo. Pretty wired word right? Yep, it actually stands for National Novel Writing month! Now I know I'm a little late for this year, but if you have ever thought about writing a book this is the time you do it!

This year I'm just being a bystander, I've been having a bit to much on my plate for nanowrimo. But I've been doing my best to support my friend who is doing it, and I have attempted every other year. This will be my 4th or 5th year with wrimo, and I plan on actually participating next year!

I want to encourage all my friends to go check it out, and come join me next year. Maybe Ill make the deadline for once. ;P Check it out at its great fun!

Maybe Ill start in a bit late, but I would have a ton of catching up to do!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Input from the other side of things

Read this article first: Link its short and sweet so it wont take forever don't worry ^^.

After reading this I just have to say some things in your cashiers defense. Because I happen to be one of them. ^^

#1. (Not making eye contact) I always try to make eye contact. In fact I hold out big long conversations with most the people I ring out.
Sometimes I don't always do this though, the fact is, I'm a rather shy person and random people can be intimidating for no reason at all!
In other instances I just get in the groove of things, especially when it is really busy. I will hardly notice when I go from one customer to the next. It really helps if you just say, "hi!" I always respond!
Keep in mind that your cashier is a person to, we may have something on our mind that is upsetting us and are really not in the mood to talk to anyone. I know this has happened to me a few times. And I know you really don't want me blubbering all my problems to you, because that's likely to happen if I open my mouth when I feel like that, so in those cases, better to keep it shut for the most part. I will still say hi if you say hi to me, and more often then not what has made me feel better is my friendly costumers striking up a fun conversation with me. ^^

#2. (Answering the phone) Where I work no, this is not a problem with me. Our phones are someplace else. But I can say that where I use to work, it was!

Where I use work though we where required to answer the phone after 2 rings, regardless of how many costumers where in out line. I would have to stop mid-sentence to answer the phone and help someone else, and I hated it to. Do you know how hard it is to juggle a phone while trying to ring someone out? Not to mention I felt rude, because I know its rude! I would try really hard to get the conversation over with as fast as I could, but sometimes you just cant.

What can you do to help? Well there is nothing really, all you can do it be patient and wait. Now when I answered the phone I was sure to still ring people up, I just wouldn't be able to hold as good a conversation with them as I would have liked.
If it seems as though the cashier isn't able to help you with what you need though, maybe ask them if they can page someone who can help you, or ask if they can get someone else to take the phone call. If they give you a dirty look and ignore you then they are just being plan rude, the person on the phone isn't going to mind if the cashier quickly pages another person to help them generally, or if they pause the conversation to tell you that they are the only one available at the moment.

#3. (Chatting to other clerks) No defence from me here. It just shouldn't be done if your standing right there trying to get some help. If they are helping you and chatting a bit then that's not so bad, but they should at least try to finish it up and turn there full attention to you.

#4. (Not counting change back) I admit it, I'm not the perfect cashier, but at least I didn't read the article so closed minded that I tried to justify things even I know are a fault. From now on, I will try to start counting my change back. Especially the larger amounts. Not the costumers job, but keep in mind, it never hurts to double check. And always look at what the screen says your total/change due is, not what the words coming out of your cashiers mouth are. We have been looking at numbers all day and allot of times especially in my case, I will read them wrong or backwards or what have you!

#5. (Walking past costumers who need help) I cant really defend on this one ether, I try to stop if I can tell help is needed. But sometimes its hard to tell, don't be afraid to ask for help! That's what we are there for ^^. The polite cashier will ask if you need help with something but depending on where you are shopping they may have been trained to not ask you! So in those cases its up to you, to ask them sadly.

Well that finishes it up. Now just a quick little thing: 5 ways costumers can help there cashiers/ sales associates (but mostly cashiers) ;P.

1. If you don't want something don't just set it some random place. Guess what? You don't have to walk all the way across the store to put it back ether. Just hold on to it and hand it to your Cashier when you are checking out and let us know you don't want it. We would love to take it off your hands.

2. If you kids want candy or a drink make sure they pick it out before you start ringing stuff up. A lot of people don't know that cashiers are timed on how long it takes them to help you, and the longer it takes you kid to pick out that candy the more its hurting there score. Kids are indecisive though and one thing you can do is ask the cashier is they can suspend your transaction or put it on hold for a moment.

3.Don't get upset when we have to do the worst part of our jobs. When you Cashier has to have someone do a price check on an item that isn't ringing up right. This is just part of our job, its not that we think that your a lire and a thief we just have to do it for everyone. Even if you where our mother. ;P

We have to ask you those annoying questions at the end or the begging of the transactions. The, "Do you want to sign up for our credit card?" or "Can I get your Zip code?". The best response to give if a very clear, "No, thank you."

4. Understand that accidents happen. Always check your receipt when you are done and make sure that no items where scanned twice. We didn't mean to do it, the scanners can just be overly sensitive at times. If you notice an item getting scanned more then once wait a moment to see if we noticed to void it out, if we start scanning up the next item we probably didn't notice, and feel free to say something. If you can tell also feel free to say something, better safe then sorry. ;P

5. Be loud and clear. It never helps us out when you talk to quite. I understand that like me sometimes you don't want to talk. But if I say, "Hi." at least say "Hi." back in a somewhat audible voice. If you act like your busying your self with something else after that, Ill get the hit. Its very disheartening when people just ignore you when your just trying to be friendly.

Now just remember and keep in mind that we are all human beings and courtesy goes both ways. Things will always change a situation however, and there will always be a case where something could have been done or handled better.

Monday, June 9, 2008

OMG I'm so embarrassed T_T

So, I'm at the bank today right? Depositing a check. And I pull up to the little drive though and I'm a bit to far away from the vacuum thing, so I open my door to grab the little container that goes inside of it, and as I turn my head I notice a light that just came on, on my dash bored. "Theft" it says.

I'm thinking, "thats odd... Ive never seen that light on before, I wonder why its on. It doesn't make since, my car is running, and I didn't turn it off." So I continue doing what I was doing, Sign the check grab the info they need for my bank account. Put it all back in the container, open the door....

Its at this moment, I realize for the first time, after owning this car for almost 6 years. It being in my mothers possession before that for about 2 years, that my car... has an alarm. And it has chosen now to announce its presence.

Thinking its just because I had my door open, I quickly slammed the door shut and stared in horror at my dash bored and prayed it would stop. But it doesn't of course. So next course of action; I turned the car off to see if that will stop it... no that didn't work. Turned it back on... still no good. So I sat and held my head frustrated for a moment, and looked up towards the main road.

Being rush-hour it was quite congested, and of course the light was red at the near by intersection. So all the people with nothing better to do while they waited for the long light to change (its always long, I hate that intersection, takes forever if you get stopped) where starring at me. Alot of them with there windows rolled down, because it was a hot day. All there eyes where on me, it was about then that I wanted to start freaking out. But I pulled myself together a tad (though it didn't stop the shakes from coming) and opened the door again to shove the container in its slot and pressed the send button. Then waited momentarily starring at my dashboard trying to think of another possible way to fix it.

"um... what did you want to do with this." they asked me through the speaker. I turned and looked to see the confused looking woman in the window at the bank.

"Just deposit it into my checking please?" I tried to shout over my cars incessant honking. Adding after receiving another concerned look this time, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize my car had an alarm until just now, and I cant figure out how to make it stop. I saw her turn to the other people inside the bank, and laugh and say something.

While I waited I decided to give my house a call, hoping mostly for my dad to answer. He didn't.

I heard the sound of my car echo back as my mom answered the phone, "hello?"

"um... hi mom." I responded, "So... I found out my car has an alarm."


"Yeah, and I cant figure out how to make it stop." I repeated the story.

"Well, did you try turning it off and back on?" She asked.

"Yes I..."

"Did you try your button?"

"Mom, I don't have a button, this car didn't come with a button, its never had a button."

"oh..." she thought for a moment, "well try turning it back on and off again."

"merhurmmerhormer... receipt... merhurmermer." the woman inside the bank window interrupted as my container fell back in to its place in fount of me. I wasnt able to understand her with the horn this time.

"Thank you!" I called to her, having more I wanted to do at the bank, but I was to embarrassed to speak to her any longer.

"ok, turn it on and off again." I said to my mom, and turned the car off and then back on, and this time it stopped! "Oh my gosh it stopped this time!" I said, and not thinking I foolishly opened the door again to grab the container with my receipt and bank info in it, and the car responded to my idiocy with more loud honking.

"Well... it did for a moment." I sighed into the phone. After she kept suggesting the same two options over a few more times, I parked in front of the bank, tuned off the car and hopped out. Locked the door, (yes my window was down so I locked it after I was out) and unlocked it and hopped back inside. It didn't work.

"Well, your just going to have to drive it home I guess." my mom said. I wanted to cry at the moment.

"Are you kidding, I cant do that!" I responded with horror.

"Why not?"

"Because, I'll get pulled over like... a million times on my way home."

"Well just explain to them whats going on." She said. I began then remembering how I had a fear of cops, and this got me to freaking out more. I really wanted to cry.

"alright," I said realizing my mom wasn't going to help, and I wasn't in the mood to argue with her. I said my goodbyes and hung up, turning the key in the ignition. After a millisecond the horn stopped. Apparently my prayers had been answered, and I carefully drove it home.

I made it till my driveway, where hitting the dip to get into it caused the alarm to start going off, and announced my arrival.

As it it. We did get it to stop again, apparently the wires under my dashboard are... breaking? Its really confusing, I was the one to notice them all sticking out. They looked cut to me, but my dad says that they are just breaking because they are old. Man... I quit, I want a scooter, or a motorcycle for summer. T_T But I don't have money for one.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Why hello there, and welcome. >.>

Ah, so I see you have wandered into my little blog here eh? Well how about a little introduction so you know what your getting into exactly.

I am Ghostlilly here. Known at some other places as:

Elftown: Ghost Lilly
Deviantart: Ghost-Lilly
Gaiaonline: Ghost Lilly

and probably some other places I've forgotten about. >.>

I play world of warcraft. Its scary I know. T_T I have some characters:

Zeranna 70 human shadow priest (Kazgaroth server)

Antonie 70 Night Elf resto druid (Deathwing server)

Xeranna 46 Blood Elf Hunter (Kazgaroth server)

Giget 41 Gnome Warrior (Kazgaroth server)

Kisamora 27 Draenei Mage (Kazgaroth server)
Zalden 15 Blood Elf Pallidan (Darrowmere server)

Yes, I apparently have to much time on my hands, because there is more then that... thats just what I have been playing the most recently. You can see who my favorites are >.> and yes, my warrior is always dead so I thought that would be appropriate.

On Fridays I get together with a group of friends to play another game called Exalted. :3 and I love it!

Anyways, I just got distracted with Deviantart... so Im going to wrap this up. Tata